Should you not be satisfied with your purchase, you are welcome to return it to Just Shearing for an exchange of product or refund of the product purchase price. Postage and handling costs are not refundable, the return of the original product will be at your expense and additional shipping and handling costs will be incurred in sending the exchanged item. If you feel you must return a product, please contact us immediately, so that we are aware that you intend to send the item back. We will make arrangements at that time, for the return and also supply of an alternative product if required.
Products will only be accepted for exchange or refund providing they are returned in their original unopened state and are fit for resale within 30days of purchase accompanied by a receipt (copy ok) and an explanation as to why goods are being returned.
For all faulty or defective products, warranty issues are to be handled according to the manufacturers specific warranty on that item. If no manufacturer warranty is specified on the item the faulty or defective items returned will be inspected by the manufacturer concerned and the customer will be advised of the outcome.